News and updates
Arek awarded!
Congratulations Arkadiusz Drabicki for winning the Transport Research Arena Young Researchers Competition in the category Crossmodality! Arek was awarded for his work on Modelling the impacts of real-time crowding information in public transport in collaboration with prof. Oded Cats, Achille Fonzone, Andrzej Szarata and myself - good job Arek! πππ
Paper published!
Good job Jaime! Our paper (with Oded Cats) on the relation between spatial structure of the demand patterns and the shareability is now published in Transportmetrica:A
New collaboration
We launched collaboration on Network-Science with the group of prof. Rob Kooij to exploit how networks shape the ride-pooling problems. Today I gave a seminar for his group in Delft.
TRB submissions and other successes
π 1st Aug is a relief day for all transport-people, so it was for us, we can be happy with out TRB submissions, kudos to allπ:- 𧨠Farnoud Ghasemi made an intiguing ABM simulations of Uber rise and fall;
- 𧨠Usman Akhtar explored when and why the ride-pooling calculations explode;
- 𧨠Olha Shulika is closing up her Post-Pandemic Ride Pooling Review and
- 𧨠Michal Bujak lately got accepted for Complex Networks conference with his probabilistic ride-pooling.
Hyper pool algorithm from now on arXiv
Our pre-print is out. Typically it is too early to announce, but this is super-exciting. We managed to push the limits of pooling to the edge: 14 co-travellers in an attractive hyper-pooled rides (turbo version of our ExMAS)
PLOS maassim
Our flagship software is out and published. Along with a documented repository, the MaaSSim community have now the deeper and more formal documentation in PLOS One - hope it can help the community grow.
Finally in person at hEART
After 2+ years, finally in person meeting with the community hEART conference in Leuven. Six contributions from our side (Arkadiusz Drabicki, Michal Bujak, Marko MariΔiΔ, Peyman Ashkrof, Arjan de Ruijter and Farnoud Ghasemi presented results of our joint work). Plus a great keynote by prof. Oded Cats, summarizing roughly all on which our lab is founded, including ExMAS and MaaSSim.
A few words about ride pooling problem at Cracow University of Technology
I presented the Ride-Pooling problem at our flagship national conference Modelling 2022 at Cracow University of Technology. Good opportunity to introduce my team and research problems to exceptional practitioners involved in most challenging infrastructure projects in the country - slides
All hands on deck - OPUS team is completed
πHappy to welcome the complete team- there is five of us, two PhD, 2PD and myself. Meet us hereπ
Usman joins the team
Usman joined us as a new PostDoc. Usman will leverage on his Computer Science skills to enhance the ride-pooling.