Zoltán Varga

I am a PhD student currently working as part of the COeXISTENCE team. I achieved my bachelor’s degree in Hungary at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. My specialization was railway systems and management. I got my master’s degree at the Technical University of Denmark where my study line was data science and smart mobility. Apart from transport and being a train enthusiast, my other hobbies are language learning. I can speak English and German, and learn Korean and Polish. I have also studied Latin and Ancient Greek. I am fascinated by Asian culture and cuisine.

My scientific interests are transport modeling and simulation. I am also interested in demand planning and modeling and behavior modeling. My bachelor’s thesis was about creating a demand forecast modeling for the Hungarian passenger railway company and my master’s thesis was about creating a data-based lubrication method for railroad switches. I have experience working on machine learning projects. I have more years of experience working with Python machine learning and data analysis packages (numpy, pandas, scikit learn) and R language.

List of main publications and preprints