News and updates
Talk at VU Amsterdam
I am giving a talk at VU Spatial webinar on shared-rides, I will introduce our lates TR:B paper on ride-pooling algorithm ExMAS at Vrije University Amsterdam.
Our paper accepted for MT-ITS
Two of our papers got accepted for MT-ITS conference organised by TU Munich. One on MaaSSim simulator and second one on Bus Bunching (with Arek Drabicki).
Malte Schroder visit
Next Thu (4th Feb) we will host Malte Schroder (Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed), TU Dresden) to discuss their highly intriguing paper in Nature Communications.
Arjan at TRB 2021
Arjan presented our study with Oded Cats and Hans van Lint on the Evolution of Labour Supply in Ridesourcing at TRB meeting in Washington DC.
Our study at TRB2021
Oded presents our study with Uber at TRB2021 in Washington DC: Beyond the Dichotomy: How Uber Competes with as well as Complements Public Transport (submitted to JoTG).
Pre-print about virus spreading now on arXIV
ArXiv preprint of our virus spreading work with Oded Cats and Julian Sienkiewicz (Warsaw University of Technology) - under review in SciRep.
MaaSSim now available on arXiv
Preprint of open-source two-sided mobilty simulator MaaSSim published at arXiv , submitted to SoftwareX.
OPUS grant
I received funding from NCN Poland for 3 year personal grant for me and two PhD students to research Shared Mobility in the context of COVID more
Gave seminar at Warsaw University (MIMUW) - invited by Pawel Gora - on youtube in Polish
Our simulations with Andres input in Transportmetrica:A
We published our stochastic simulations of late-arrival of ride-pooling travellers, with a great Game-Theory input from Andres Fielbaum (TU Delft) in Transportmetrica:A
Our algorithm published
Our demand-driven ride-pooling algorithm cutting the combinatorial search-space of practical problems published in Part:B with Oded.
Our studies published in JAT
Studies of induced traffic in Krakow with a novel non-parametric model published in JAT