News and updates
GMUM seminar on city bike trajectories predictions
On the weekly seminar of GMUM we kicked-off the project to predict trajectories with GNN and RL techniques. With Lukasz Brzozowski, Jacek Tabor, Przemek Spurek and Lukasz Kucinski we will try to predict city-bike trajectories in Krakow.
MSCA proposal submitted
I submitted Marie Sklodowska Curie grant proposal. Quite exciting on the intersection of ML and transportation - fingers crossed.
Talk at MIMUW
I am giving a talk at MIMUW Seminar on urban mobility, I will introduce mobility problems and how the ML/AI can be applied to solve them.
Michal joins the team
📢📢📢 New member of the team Michal Bujak joined us 🤝 to research on topologies of ride-pooling networks. Welcome!
MT-ITS Conference attendance
Today the MT-ITS conference started - see our presentation with Oded Cats about MaaSSim. Great Conference, with the previous edition hosted in Krakow and chaired by me in 2019.
Conference time
Two conferences at the same time…. At INSTR in the (virtual) Stockholm we present our work lately published in Transportmetrica:A: If you are late, everyone is late: late passenger arrival and ride-pooling systems’ performance. Today the MT-ITS conference started - see our presentation with Oded Cats, Andres Fielbaum and Javier Alonso-Mora.
GMUM seminar
🎤 I gave a seminar on Urban Mobility for Group of Machine Learning Research GMUM - slides.
Pre-print available at arXiv repository
Can ride-pooling be fair? A game-theory approach for forming groups of co-travellers and splitting the costs now at arXiv with Andres Fielbaum, Oded Cats and Javier Alonso-Mora
Join our team
We confirmed details of our job opening for PhD students at Jagiellonian University. See details on ‘open positions’ tab - deadline 8th June.
Seminar at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest)
Invited by Eszter Bokányi I gave a talk at the seminar of Agglomeration and Social Networks MTA Lendület Research Group Budapest on social networks of ride-pooling and agent based simulations of two-sided mobility platforms - slides
I got invited as a reviewer for ECML/PKDD 21 Conference with a nice submissions intersecting ML/AI and urban mobility.
Our paper in SR
Our paper on Virus spreading in ride pooling network got accepted to Scientific Reports.